Sid Mallya established himself as an entertainer in the film industry abroad. Based in Los Angeles, the actor-model posts about his day to...
Sid Mallya is known for his lavish lifestyle and good looks and of course his much talked “friendship” with Deepika Padukone. Now,...
Looks like actor Sid Mallya has dug his head deep into a brand new project which he is believed to be creating...
One of the most stylish man of the industry, Sid Mallya turns a year older today! From his infamous affairs with Bollywood...
With everything going on with Vijay Mallya, his son actor Sid Mallya took to social media to thank his supporters for their...
Mumbai, December 15th, 2016: It’s been a while since we’ve heard any news about Sid Mallya, Vijay Mallya’s dashing son, who had been...