Revolving around a road trip one would never imagine, the story brings together three oddballs Irrfan Khan, Mithila Palkar & Dulquer Salmaan...
Karwaan, starring Irrfan Khan, Dulquer Salmaan, and Mithila Palkar in the lead, has been the talk of the town since its trailer...
Irrfan Khan, who’s currently keeping away from public appearances due to his treatment for a neuroendocrine tumour, recently attended a screening of...
The trailer of Irrfan Khan, Dulquer Salmaan and Mithila Palkar starrer Akarsh Khurana’s Karwaan was released for the audience earlier last week....
South actor and heartthrob Dulquer Salmaan who ruled the hearts with films like ‘OK Kanmani’, ‘Bangalore Days’ is all set to make...
All you Dulquer Salmaan’s fans your wish of seeing him a Bollywood movie might just come true. According to sources, the Mollywood...